A crying baby, emotionlessly numb.
Hot air penetrating perpetually; the blue balloon's approaching its end.
Let loose, cut it short; life everlasting.
A sobbing baby, drowning in emptiness.
A petite girl, joyfully playing.
Strongly grasp, don't leave, keep control.
A small girl, singing euphory.
A rebellious adolescent, naturally confused.
Cigarettes in one hand, a book in the other; the blue balloon passes by; deceptive.
Stand ground, unswayingly still, listen to the wind.
A rebellious adolescent, smiling, though flustered.
An apathetic adult, lost in the world.
Glittering cars in motion; its blackening insides; the blue balloon flies away towards the stars.
Topsyturvy living, no breaks, no green,
An apathetic someone, turning and spinning.
A widening space stretched up above.
With variety of enigmas or stars or love;
there the blue balloon arises, freely sways and flies.
until Mr. Muerto appears and lives then dies.
Author's note:
The color "blue" widens horizons. P.S: it's a modernist world, so be easy on this.
Any "blue balloon" lover present? :)
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