The story of a modest man ( start of ch.1)

I can still recall the day that I technically found out, even if I didn't know what it meant.
It was a sunny day like this one sometime April (or was it May?), the birds frolicking, the sun smiling, the trees blooming and children carousing at the carousel I've always played at since who-knows-when while I stared at the ground, hoping not to be noticed by any other child and thinking of my siblings' new stuff.
I can't exactly remember how old I was then; what I do remember though, was that my mom was sitting on a bench right next to me, hands flapping wildly and embittering her friend Dulce's mood as she was forced to listen to my mother's ranting on how Sputnik 6 was launched for some egocentric reasons while the dog passagiere (I think they were called Pchelka and Mushka) dies due to unknown, unjustified reasons my mom just couldn't seem to ignore.
I think I was turning 3 (or 4) years old then; because when I was about that age, Dulce's sombre face was what I saw every time my mom and I went to the park to play.

''Yes, it's incredible. What did they even bring the animals for?'' Dulce inquired, a hint of  pretense accompanying her voice.
''I'm not even sure. They haven't even told us citizens the truth! In my opinion..."
Right then, I couldn't hear my mother's reply to the question made out of pure formality, as I sternly fixed my gaze onto a dark-haired child wearing a jumper (wasn't it warm enough?) and black shoes, while he passed my mother, Dulce and me by, his dainty hands shaking that red, rectangular toy I had wished I would have received from my parents: the Etch-a-Sketch.

I slowly stood up, my hands supporting my body's weight as I pushed the ground to compose myself, and cautiously pursued the steps the other kid had been taking.
I turned my head around for a small instant, only to see my mother (whose name is Sarah, by the way) too busy discussing with the disinterested Dulce to even care. I continued my pursuit.
I'm not entirely sure how far or how near my unknown destination was, but to my younger me, it appeared to be the distance between New York and Mexico City, as my stubby legs followed the Etch-a-Sketch boy.
After God-knows-how-many minutes, I finally arrived.
And to my pleasant surprise, I even saw my dad, wrapped around in the arms of some Asian woman whose ass was now visible in her silky dress as he carressed it with his callous hands.

P.S:  the other post was the prologue. Happy Easter, everyone!

1 squiggle(s):

Dianne said...

cute blog!
thanks for the comment, happy easter! :-)